This fundamental concept is truly being tested today with the current administration and their daily actions. For example, this year President Trump is turning the entire celebration on the National Mall into a partisan event with a political campaign speech at the Lincoln Memorial. When we lived in D.C., we attended and or always watched on TV as we do now, the special 4th of July patriotic non-political entertainment and messages.
Although the President has for sometime wanted a big military parade down Pennsylvania Ave to display military might, he plans to use this moment to take a step in his direction by including fancy flyovers and tanks to accompany his political speech. Just for some context, here is what former President Eisenhower had to say about such activity: “Absolutely not. We, the United States, are seeking peace, we are the preeminent power on earth. For us to try to imitate what the Soviets are doing in Red Square would make us look weak.”
The politicizing of our 4th of July should be a reminder of just how important the next year’s election is for our form of government. Out of respect to all those Americans who have served in the military or public service to protect and implement the fundamentals of our democracy, politics should not be any focus of this national holiday. Four more years of the current administration we have now could put our values in jeopardy.
Be safe. Enjoy. Have hope.