Here’s my message to Senator Jerry Moran, from one Kansan to Another:
Senator, you have served Kansas’ economic interests well, bringing back to Kansas valuable assistance for worthy investments. It is very much appreciated. Now we need courage, too.
We are on the brink of a slippery slope as a country, sliding into a dictatorship. What has been happening nationally the last two weeks, at least, should raise concerns that lead to tough questions and maybe even voting “no” on the most extreme and under-qualified nominees being put forward for key positions within the government.
Just some highlights: The Wall Street Journal is saying using Tariffs are basically stupid at this time — and will mean real economic damage and huge price increases, firing FBI agents, more than a thousand because they were simply doing their job, without any evidence blaming flight controllers for the tragic crash of a helicopter and American Airline plane flying in from Wichita, and obviously charging ahead to implement Project 2025 — despite the President saying he knew nothing about the plan.
And speaking of that plan, eliminating Crop Insurance, as you well know, would be devastating to farmers and their capacity to operate. One thing that should be clear now is Project 2025 is real and being used to bring changes most Americans never dreamed would happen.
But maybe most frightening are leaders he is putting into place to carry out the plan. This next week, the Senate will take action on three cabinet level positions, Health and Human Services, FBI Director, and Director of the National Intelligence Agency. Anybody with any intelligence knows they are dangerous and unqualified, yet betting odds say they will be confirmed and put us further down the road to losing our democracy.
This leads me to where I started: Someone needs to step and display some courage. Is announcing in advance serious reservations, which might lead to others, too much to ask? At some point, we will have procrastinated for too long. Senator Moran, you could be that Patriot.