Thinking about Thursday and our national holiday of Thanksgiving, I got to reflecting about where things stand now. If I paused and graded things at the moment, what would I say? It is certainly a time in which, if one wants to focus on the negative, one has plenty of material with what is going on in the world. But at this juncture and point in time, I’m going to be positive, be an optimist about where we are and about the future. So here goes, not wanting to take too much of your time.
I’m thankful for all first-responders and people who put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives of their fellow citizens.
I’m thankful to live in a country where we can celebrate our Native American heritage and also honor our legacy as a “land of opportunity” which opens its arms to those who seek a better life for themselves and their families.
I’m thankful for citizens like Dr. Deb Doubek who steps up and helps provide health services to those who don’t have the insurance or the money to pay.
I’m thankful for lives well-lived, like the man I refer to as “the real John Carlin,” who passed away but gave so much in so many ways for the betterment of individual lives and the community.
I’m thankful for all the donors who step up to meet community needs and fill the voids left by declining government support, with the hope that reality over time will show the need for government being more responsible and forward-thinking.
I’m thankful for my inspirational students and that my new class on Civic Engagement is going well, in hopes that the skills I teach will hopefully get young people more involved and active in leading the changes they see as important for our future.
I’m thankful I have a website and blog that allows me the voice to share, challenge, motivate, and hopefully in a positive way contribute to the betterment of society.
I’m thankful, in this turbulent time, that we have men and women willing to step up and offer their leadership, despite the politics of the day and the overwhelming challenges we face.
Family wise, Lynn and I have much to be thankful for as to health and well-being, but for this year most importantly, almost all of the immediate family will be with us to celebrate on Thursday.
Now you’re going to ask at this point, “Okay you’ve covered the easy ones to be positive about, but what about the state of government and politics in Kansas and the nation? Where is the positive?” Well for me, it is having the federal budget and debt ceiling resolved through 2017, with the hope that by then more sanity has returned to Washington D.C. At the state level, it is seeing more and more folks understanding that change has to come, more good candidates stepping up to run for legislative seats, and—best of all—more good people getting involved to help make it happen.
Yes, I have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day 2015.
I’m thankful for all first-responders and people who put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives of their fellow citizens.
I’m thankful to live in a country where we can celebrate our Native American heritage and also honor our legacy as a “land of opportunity” which opens its arms to those who seek a better life for themselves and their families.
I’m thankful for citizens like Dr. Deb Doubek who steps up and helps provide health services to those who don’t have the insurance or the money to pay.
I’m thankful for lives well-lived, like the man I refer to as “the real John Carlin,” who passed away but gave so much in so many ways for the betterment of individual lives and the community.
I’m thankful for all the donors who step up to meet community needs and fill the voids left by declining government support, with the hope that reality over time will show the need for government being more responsible and forward-thinking.
I’m thankful for my inspirational students and that my new class on Civic Engagement is going well, in hopes that the skills I teach will hopefully get young people more involved and active in leading the changes they see as important for our future.
I’m thankful I have a website and blog that allows me the voice to share, challenge, motivate, and hopefully in a positive way contribute to the betterment of society.
I’m thankful, in this turbulent time, that we have men and women willing to step up and offer their leadership, despite the politics of the day and the overwhelming challenges we face.
Family wise, Lynn and I have much to be thankful for as to health and well-being, but for this year most importantly, almost all of the immediate family will be with us to celebrate on Thursday.
Now you’re going to ask at this point, “Okay you’ve covered the easy ones to be positive about, but what about the state of government and politics in Kansas and the nation? Where is the positive?” Well for me, it is having the federal budget and debt ceiling resolved through 2017, with the hope that by then more sanity has returned to Washington D.C. At the state level, it is seeing more and more folks understanding that change has to come, more good candidates stepping up to run for legislative seats, and—best of all—more good people getting involved to help make it happen.
Yes, I have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day 2015.