So how can you help? The obvious ways are helping financially or volunteering to do what your candidate needs most. That might be going door-to-door, calling voters, doing outreach at public events, or putting up and managing signs around the district. Some of this can be done from home, like the calling or engagement on social media. And it’s also worth pointing out that even if there is no competitive race in your area for now, that doesn’t leave you out. This includes registered Democrats who can, and should, plug quality Republicans who can expand the moderate coalition. In terms of financial support, candidates take money for sure from outside their district. If you know people in the most competitive races, calling friends and relatives who do live there to make sure they have the facts and are voting is of real help. Personal interactions are often the most powerful. Many of these races will be really close and often decided by just a handful of votes. One person making a little effort can make all the difference.
I volunteer, along with three other former Governors of Kansas from both political parties, under the banner of the “Save Kansas Coalition.” For more information, check out the website, the key issues, and our coalition of eleven statewide organizations with like concerns and active members who are the backbone of this effort. Several of these groups are making specific candidate endorsements, including Game On For Kansas Schools. This might be helpful if you are not already plugged into helping good candidates who are ready to make a positive difference for Kansas.
Now, I share the cautionary note that must come with this message. For some of you, it is a reminder and for others, a warning. If not already, you will soon see and hear messages that make the wonderful, qualified candidate you are helping sound and look like some dreadful maniac. For some time now, certain interest groups with statewide influence, and a lot of money, have used false and exaggerated claims to attack quality candidates. This negative campaigning is done through various paid media to confuse voters and help elect candidates that will do their bidding come time to serve. It first had influence in Kansas Republican primaries in 2012 and was used again across the board in 2014. It is totally out of sync with Kansas values but can be effective if you and others don’t speak up when it happens by correctly defending quality candidates with honest records of solid public service.
Voting is underway all across the state for the Primary Election! If this message resonates with you, please consider sharing it as much as possible. Every vote will count.